2024 Acacia Open Golf Tournament
Country Drive Golf Course | 951 Co Rd 4, Ashland, NE
Saturday June 8th 20024 8 am
Thanks to Scott Wetzel for organizing the event, signing up players and checking players in. It was a great event with almost 50 players!
Below are some pictures
2022 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
A great day of golf
Shoreline Golf Course |210 Locust St | Carter Lake, IA 51510
Saturday, June 11, 202 from 8AM to 1:00 PM (CDT)
Matt McCabe, John Becker, Zach Thiemann
Kurt Brown, Wes Smith, Robert Smith
Eric Muff, Chad Hartnett, J Uhlmann, Scott Wenzl
Dan Matthews, Joey Kaplan, Damon Bennett, Hayden Lasek
Will Swift, Justin Koch, Nick Kincanon, Kyle Schroeder
Raffle prize winners
Take home pictures of their team
Raffle prizes
2021 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
Thanks for the memories!
Seward Community Golf Course | 1046 Country Club Dr | Seward, NE 68434
Saturday, June 12, 2021 from 8:40 AM to 1:00 PM (CDT)
Jonny Logan, Dan Mathews, Bryce Kenney & Connor Kusler
Jeff Nelson, Andrew Nelson, Andy Carothers & Terry Schaefer
Brian Keenan, Andrew Nelson, Jeff Nelson & Terry Schaefer
Nate Rezac, Sean Keenan & Matt Elston
Kurt Brown, Tom Hicks & Bob Smith
Christian Wilson, Cody Herald, J Uhlmann, Dave Minto, Tim Hartshorn (Tom Macy, Jon Heithold and Paul Nance)
Paul Nance, Christian Wilson, Tim Hartshorn & Tom Macy
Brad White, Wes Smith & Kevin Wills (all in background table)
Thomas Ringler, Kyle Schroeder, Nick Kincanon, Justin Koch & Ben Rezac (standing)
2020 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
What a showing! Thanks for all those who attended!
Seward Community Golf Course | 1046 Country Club Dr | Seward, NE 68434
Saturday, June 27, 2020 from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM (CDT)
2019 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
Where: Hidden Valley Golf Club | 10501 Pine Lake R | Lincoln, NE 68526
When: Saturday, July 20, 2019 from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM (CDT)
2018 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
When it was: July 21st in Omaha at the Knolls Golf Course
The Champs: Cody Herald, Tim Hartshorn, Eric Muff, and Lou Segusi
2017 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
Click here for pictures
The Winners (-14!)
Left to right (complete with their Acacia Open “Masters” jackets):
- Eric Muff
- Cody Herald
- Tim Hartshorn
- Mitch Allemang

Most-Honest” Team of the Day (i.e. highest score): Will B and Milkman
Allemang,M |
Backstrom |
Bruegmann, W |
Dolezal |
Hartshorn |
Herald |
Hirschbrunner |
Keenan, S. |
Kinney, B |
Kusler |
Miller, M |
Moran |
Muff |
Olsen,T |
Rezac B |
Rezac N |
Schramm |
Scott,D |
Thiemann |
Uhlman |
Warner,J |
Wilkinson,K |
Williams,T |
2016 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
July 16th, 2016
Knolls Golf Course
Omaha, NE
The Winners (-14!)
Left to right (complete with their Acacia Open “Masters” jackets):
- Aaron Schramm
- Todd Moran
- Tim Hartshorn
- Eric Muff
Most-Honest” Team of the Day (i.e. highest score): Will B and Milkman
2016 Players:
Andy Carothers
Ben Rezac
Brian Keenan
Chad Hartnett
Cody Herald
Connor Kusler
Eric Muff
Jared Hill
Jay Uhlmann
Jeff Nelson
Justin Cardisco
Kevin Wills
Kurt Brown
Matt Prophit
Mike Miller “Milkman”
Nate Rezac
Robert Smith
Sean Keenan
Taylor Olson
Tim Hartshorn
Todd Moran
Tom Hicks
Wade Backstrom
Wes Smith
2015 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
Ghetto Godfathers: The Winners (-17!)
Left to right (complete with their Acacia Open “Masters” jackets):
- Eric Muff
- Chad Hartnett
- Jay Uhlmann
- Mike Quandt
Team Scarps: “Most-Honest” Team of the Day (i.e. highest score) took home the revolving trophy…looking a little too happy to win this…
Left to right:
- Scarps
- Prophit
- Kusler
- Fergielicious
2015 Players:
Andy Vipond |
Andy White |
Ben Rezac |
Chad Hartnett |
Connor Kusler |
Eric Muff |
James Ferguson |
Jason Kubik |
Jay Uhlmann |
Jeff Iverson |
Jeff Johnson |
Jeff Nelson |
John Erinberg |
Jon Scarpello |
Justin Cardisco |
Kurt Brown |
Matt Elston |
Matt McCabe |
Matt Prophit |
Mike Miller |
Mike Quandt |
Mitch Allemang |
Nate Rezac |
Robert Smith |
Sean Keenan |
Tanner Rasmussen |
Terry Schaefer |
Tim Hartshorn |
Todd Moran |
Wes Smith |
Zach Thiemann |
See you on the links next year!!
2014 Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
Thanks to all those brothers that came out for a great day of golfing and brotherhood.
With a score of -10 the winners, complete with green Masters’ jackets, took home the best score of the day.
From left to right:
Zach Thiemann
Tim Hartshorn
Christian Wilson
Dave Minto
“Most-honest” team of the day (i.e. highest score) took home the revolving trophy:
Brian Keenan
Jeff Nelson
Ray Stoupa
Kevin Wills
Acacia Open Players
Matt Prophit
Chad Hartnett
Christian Wilson
Tim Hartshorn
Zach Thiemann
Scott Newberry
Connor Kusler
Tom Hicks
Jared Hill
Eric Muff
Ryan Dozeal
Wade Backstrom
Jay Uhlmann
Jeff Nelson
Brian Keenan
Kevin Wills
Ray Stoupa
Tim Heins
Aaron Popsil
Nate Rezac
Dave Minto
Steve Ross
Scott Wenzl
Ciaran Riley
Aaron Schram
Joe Warner
Justin Cardisco
See you on the links next year!
Nebraska Acacia Open Annual Golf Tournament
Saturday, July 19, 2014
The Knolls Golf Course11630 Sahler StOmaha, NE 68164
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